Penny Wise Blog
How to Structure Your To-Do List
Author: Julie Morgenstern This month’s blog comes to us from Organizing Expert, Julie Morgenstern, Best Selling Author of “Organizing From the Inside Out”. If you’re feeling overwhelmed this fall, this blog is for you! Do you struggle with your never-ending
Gear Up for the School Year with these Popular Items
The new school year will be here in the blink of an eye (don’t tell the kids!) and your classrooms, computer labs and offices will need new gear. We’ve got you covered with some of the popular items found here.
Back to School Freebie from Pentel
This month’s blog brings you something fun for the new school year, from our friends at Pentel. Pentel of America is known for their wide selection of beautiful, long lasting writing instruments. They have everything from brilliant gel pens to
Three Ways Planners and Calendars Can Make Your Days Easier
Do you recognize this story? Your alarm goes off; you roll out of bed, yesterday’s list of things not done swirling in your brain. You are somewhat unmotivated because you already feel behind. That makes it hard to pay attention